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About this Blog – What Did Jesus Say to Do?

Whether or not you are a Christian, what Jesus actually said is of great philosophic and historic interest. The world has been shaped by the ideas that He and His disciples have spread.  While there is and always has been controversy about the role of Christianity in society and politics, personally I have been challenged to apply the practical wisdom of Jesus’s commands.

Everyone can benefit from the practical wisdom of Jesus’ words.  I am a Christian and I will plainly state that my desire is for every person to understand what Jesus said and to ultimately become a Christian.  However, I do not think that you must be a Christian to benefit from what He said. If you are not a Christian then I am going to assume that you are a person interested in wisdom through understanding of what Jesus said as a great philosopher.   For a Christian, focusing on Jesus’ commands provides insight, practical depth and satisfaction to your Christian experience.  For both groups Jesus’ direct commands can provide understanding and perspective that will result in more empathy, patience, love, diligence and every other good character quality you need to become an even better person; after all, that is ultimately what each of us is trying to do.

Jesus said in John 14:15 “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.” The meaning of the word “keep” intrigued me. It means to observe intently or to guard.

Several years ago I took to heart this instruction and began a journey to record every direct command that Jesus spoke as recorded in the Bible’s gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and the books of Acts and Revelation. I’ve noted the verse, the context, the recipient, and the references, definitions and lastly, one practical application of the command that I could use. I invite you to consider Jesus’ words and implement your own personal application to each command.

-Christopher J. Carlson